The Department of Athletics has revised their guidelines for parents, guardians and family members attending games at DCSD Stadiums and Fields.

Safety Measures
• Prior to any parent/guardian/family members leaving their home they are asked to take their temperature. Any person with a temperature of 100.4 or higher should not attend.
• Upon arrival to the game, guest must check in with the Stadium Manager. Everyone will be prescreened and directed to the seating area.
• All parent/guardian/family members must wear masks at ALL TIMES, including when entering/exiting venues, during the competition, and whenever walking or moving about . No exceptions.
• Concession stands will be closed.
• Parent/guardian/family members are prohibited from congregating in groups.
• All parent/guardian/family members are asked to maintain six feet of social distancing. All will be encouraged to sit only with their family units.
• Any person refusing to adhere to all required guidelines will be excused from the competition.
Field/Court Spectators (Baseball/Gymnastics/Tennis/Golf)
• Parents, guardians, spectators must remain in a reasonable distance outside of the fence or field area of competition.
• School Administration will communicate acceptable range/area for spectators.
Stadium Spectators (Soccer, Lacrosse, Track)
• Each Monday a link will go live on the GOFAN ( website for all games scheduled during that week.
• Parents will have an opportunity to purchase a maximum of 3 tickets for each game.
• General Admission cost will be $5.00 per ticket plus administrative fees through GOFAN
• The maximum number of tickets sold per game will be 300 ( 150 per team). Once capacity has been reached, no additional tickets will be sold.
• No DCSD passes or GHSA passes will be allowed.
So happy about this! Our kids need our support and cheers when playing their favorite sport. Plus the older kids need film, college coaches are asking for it. Great news for our kids.
“Our kids need our support and cheers …”
Why do we not hear parents clamoring to sit in their children’s classrooms to support and cheer on the kids’ academic endeavors?
Will be good for parents to support the kids.
But I’d better not see a teacher at a sporting event since they can’t manage to teach…
Thanks to Stan for posting this. But I am so disappointed that it took an intense public outcry to get DCSD to release these Spectator Guidelines.
Soccer and Lacrosse seasons began last week. These Spectator Guidelines should have been published and ready to go when the seasons began. Without a public outcry I wonder when these Spectator Guidelines would have slithered out.
The DCSD Athletics Department includes 3 employees who make $104K to $138K, and 3 employees who make $68K to $76K.
We should expect better from these employees, who are paid so much more than most of our teachers or coaches.
I’m insulted as a teacher who HAS BEEN TEACHING the ENTIRE time. I’m also saddened that you would make a statement that would discourage seeing a teacher.
And if you do see a teacher there, what you gone do about it?
A teacher