The Naming Committee for the Dunwoody Elementary School (DES) 4/5 Academy will to name the elementary school at the Nancy Creek site.

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Meeting ID: 967 0584 0512
Password: des
- Construction Update (Noel Maloof)
- Naming Committee Member Introductions
- Purpose
- Board Policies
- Transition Updates(Pearch, Sanders)
- Public Comments
- Committee Discussion
Over the next 4 weeks, the naming committee will have 2 more subsequent meetings. At the 2nd meeting, the naming committee will come up with 3 names to bring before the community for feedback. At the 3rd meeting, the naming committee will consider public feedback and select a name for the Nancy Creek site.
Nancy Creek Elementary School
Nancy Creek Elementary School was built in 1970 and served the local area south of the perimeter for almost 40 years. Due to under utilization, in Fall 2008, Nancy Creek ES students were moved to Huntley Hills ES and Montgomery ES to make room for Kittredge and the high achievers magnet. Since 2008, the site has been named Kittredge at Nancy Creek
Over Crowding in Region 1
Over the last few years, DeKalb Schools has built 2 new elementary schools and rebuilt Austin elementary school. In February 2020, DeKalb Schools administration recommended the use of Nancy Creek facility as a fourth and fifth grade annex for Dunwoody Elementary to provide temporary enrollment relief, beginning the 2020-2021 school year.
Nancy Creek Site Updates
- Nancy Creek site is fully staffed
- School nurse has been hired
- Transportation – bus drivers assigned and bus routes confirmed
This is just a waste of time and resources. The school is still Nancy Creek Elementary. While Kittredge was there, the sign on the building was changed to read “Kittredge Magnet at Nancy Creek”. No formal renaming process was required when the school was taken from the local community to house Kittredge kids, why is it necessary to review the school’s name now that it is being taken (once again) to serve another outside cluster. Three years from now, after the new Chamblee/Dunwoody ES is built and used to serve only the Dunwoody cluster, Chamblee Cluster will finally get the old worn down building back as a consolation prize and they will have to rename it again.
PSDad, if the school was named Kittredege Magnet at Nancy Creek, then I suspect a process was followed to name it. Most people don’t do things as publicly as I do. I’m happy to name it and call it good, but there is board policy to follow.
@ Stan…. There was no process for Kittredge…. It was just Kittredge… As for following board policy….. The board did not follow it when John Lewis was named, so the precedent is there that board policy does not need to be followed.
Please let rename the school Nancy Creek and be done with it. With no superintendent, many central office staff as interim, a 14% cut from the state, hundreds of open work orders that are taking over 100 days to close, there are many, many more important things out there for ALL the students in DCSD than renaming a school that already has a name.
@Lynn, I agree that quite frequently people don’t follow the law or board policy. I posit that doesn’t mean that gives us permission to break the law or policy. I like to think we are a nation of laws. If we don’t like the laws or policies, we should change them.