The Reorganization of the Central Office includes the reclassification of existing positions, the realignment of departments, the elimination of existing positions, creation of new positions, appointment of senior level and cabinet personnel, and the creation of a new division.
Senior Level & Cabinet Level Personnel
- Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Facilities & Operations – Mr. Noel Maloof
- Chief of Staff, Superintendent’s Office – Mr. Antwyn Brown
- Associate Superintendent, Office of Accountability – Dr. Linda Frazer
- Regional Superintendent, Region 1 – Ms. Melanie Pearch
- Regional Superintendent, Region 7 – Dr. Rodney Swanson
- Executive Director of Information & Innovation, Information Technology – Ms. Monika Davis
- Executive Director of Infrastructure & Support, Information Technology – Mr. Wade Barnes
- Executive Director of School Culture & Climate, Student Support & Intervention – Dr. Deborah Moore-Sanders
- Executive Director of Board Operations, Board Office – Dr. Yolanda Williamson
Peachtree Charter Middle School Principal
Dr. Donnie Davis, principal of Peachtree Charter Middle School, has been reassigned to another position within the District. The purpose of this assignment is for the good and efficient operation of the school and district.
The DeKalb County School District will move forward with the selection of a new leader of Peachtree Charter Middle School as soon as possible. During this transition period, two retired veteran principals, Mr. Robert Williams and Ms. Terese Allen will serve as Interim Co-Principals.
Reclassification of Existing Positions
- Deputy Chief Financial Officer (formerly Executive Director of Finance) – VACANT (FY20)
- Deputy Chief Operations Officer (formerly Executive Director of Facilities & Operations) – VACANT (FY20)
Re-Alignment of Departments
- Move of Risk Management Department within Office of Legal Affairs to the Division of Finance
- Move of Legal Affairs to the Division of Human Capital Management as Employee Relations
- Renaming of Human Capital Management to Human Resources
Elimination the Office of Legal Affairs Division and Existing Positions
- Chief Legal Officer
- Legal Administrator
Creation of New Positions
- Internal Investigator (2 positions)
- Open Records Request Specialist II (1 position)
Supporting Documents
Fiscal Cost Impact Analysis_ReOrg 3.9.2020.pdf
N.Maloof Resume 2020.pdf
A.Brown Resume 2020.pdf
L.Frazer Resume 2020.pdf
M.Pearch Resume 2020.pdf
R.Swanson Resume 2020.pdf
M.Davis Resume 2020.pdf
W.Barnes Resume 2020.pdf
D.Moore-Sanders Resume 2020.pdf
Y.Williamson Resume 2020.pdf
Deputy Chief Operations Officer.pdf
Chief of Staff.pdf
Associate Supt Accountability.pdf
Regional Superintendent.pdf
Executive Director, Information & Innovation.pdf
Executive Director, Infrastructure & Support.pdf
Executive Director, School Climate and Culture.pdf
Executive Director, Board Operations.pdf
I am personally THRILLED with all these changes. I am so appreciative of Ms Tyson being the adult in the room and making hard decisions that will positively impact our children. Thank you to Stan and the other BOE members for employing an interim Superintendent who is capable of making progress.
As you continue to work through your superintendent search, please make sure you WAIT until you find the right person. Don’t just accept the last one left. The children, teachers and community are counting on you to find the best superintendent for our schools!
Welcome back Noel!
I am so proud ❤️ of the fact that Dr. Swanson got promoted. He is a great person and principal, so I know that he will do well in his new role.
Excellent Job Mrs. Tyson and Board! Welcome back Noel Maloof!
Where does this leave Dan Drake?
Thank you for this information. Can you tell us anything about the reasons for the reassignments?
I’m not directly involved in the operations of the school district, but I believe the purpose of the reassignments are for the good and efficient operation of the school and district.
Such great news and positive changes! Thank you Ms Tyson and BOE!
Well, I assumed that too … just wondered if you were free to be more specific. I am only really aware of 2 of the people who are moving out but am glad to know that they are moving.
Donnie Davis, McFerrin, and Drake all working together now, sharing a cubicle, at central office.
I saw reported elsewhere that Dan Drake’s contract is up in June. He has been replaced as Acting COO… is he going back to his original planning role? Is he expected to stay with DCSD in IT, where he’s parked right now?
I don’t know what Drake’s short term or long term career goals are.
DeKalb Schools Reorganizing
However much restructuring was needed, it seems odd to make such sweeping changes only weeks before announcing a new superintendent. Makes one wonder…
Are we weeks away from a new Superintendent?
Carstaphren said APS will keep distributing lunches during a Coronavirus shutdown– does DCSD have a plan to do the same?
See this 11-Alive Interview with Carstarhen:
DCSD closing Monday.
Hey Stan – Now that schools are closing for whatever period of time, is there going to be an opportunity for kids to get materials from their lockers that they need to be able to do online schooling? UGA is opening dorms for several hours over the weekend so students can pick up whatever they need. What about DeKalb?
I hope Vasanne Tinsley, Lenisera Bodison and others move on to greener pastures. We need people who will take a new look at things instead of implementing antiquated ideas and formulas that have not been working. We need people who support teachers and not bully them. We need qualified people who are willing to help and listen and not bark and demand.
@Izzy Belle AMEN on your comment, it’s been time for those over rated people to go. They don’t deserve to be where they are now.