In June 2017, the DeKalb Schools Board approved $27 million over 5 years for the purchase of laptops, software and accessories for each and every DeKalb Schools student and teacher. The school district is currently short Chromebooks and is in the process of purchasing student devices, carts, and accessories necessary to sustain the program.

Chromebook distribution should begin at all schools no later than August 30. Many of the distribution processes are currently underway. Check with your teacher, principal or school council for exact rollout schedule.
Once schools complete the initial Chromebook distribution process, IT will work with each school to resolve any further inventory needs such as additional devices for increased enrollment, reallocation of devices from schools with a decrease in enrollment, and other special circumstances.
DeKalb Schools is targeting a complete rollout of Chromebooks to students by September 30, 2019.
To receive a Chromebook, please complete the Digital Dreamers Device Agreement and return it to the student’s school.
• Complete and Submit Online (Incident IQ)
• Print Out, sign, and return paper copy to school (language translations)
The district has vetted options for those parents/guardians who choose to purchase device coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair devices. This is not a required fee to receive a device, but highly recommended. Each parent is to contact the desired carrier directly AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR CHROMEBOOK to purchase insurance.
Waiting until students arrived in August, teachers assigned assignments & projects, to count the number of computers needed, was irresponsible. Students can’t do their work on cell phones. Many kids relied on the computers for the last two years. Now, without notice before school started, kids receive “0” for unfinished homework. School systems have projected numbers of students for schools and make adjustments the first 10 days. DCS knew that chromebooks were not available for all kids, months ago. Do you wait to order other supplies until real bodies show up in August?
There is so much incompetence in the running of DCS – which used to be THE BEST SCHOOL SYSTEM in Metro Atlanta. Unacceptable!
The online link to sign up has been having difficulties. I can tell you that CCHS is getting tons of emails from parents that it’s not working for them. Just some feedback to share with the county.
If the online link isn’t working, then worse comes to worst … print out and fill out a hard copy.
Not everyone has a printer….or can run up to a library or Kinkos…..add IT to the list of DCSD failed depts.
@AB at DHS staff provided copies for any students who asked. I would hope that other schools would do the same, particularly Title 1 schools.
Our school has found that the online form won’t work on a mobile device. You have to use a desktop PC. It would be nice if the county could let people know.
This shortage is real, not necessarily of Chromebooks, but of power cords. My Chamblee HS student still waiting due to the school’s inability to have accessories. Yet, still required to have some sort of backup plan for many classes where instruction and testing is Chrimebook based. He is being told it it his problem.
@Frustrated. Please email your teacher and ask how students without chromebooks are being accommodated. I’d like to see in writing a teacher or principal trying to push this back onto the students.
Is there an update on the number of high school students still without chromebooks?
Update from Chamblee Charter High School this morning was 100 students still waiting on Chromebooks. Teachers are not supposed to issue classwork/homework for students that don’t have Chromebooks, but that creates even more “re-work” having to write notes in class and recreate assignments once home. Doesn’t give the students the advantage of completing assignments during study hall time at school.
DCS knew all summer that the school year started in August.
Students arrive, classes start, syllabus signed, assignments roll in at high speed, weekly testing scheduled …..and, students are told that Chromebooks are not available, or only a very few students were given them.
Students & parents are told that they are on the way. No timeline offered!
Teachers are notified by students & parents to accommodate students without computers. Typical accommodation offered: work in the school media center AFTER school. Checked with the media specialist who was never contacted by teachers. She is only staying after school on two days – have to make an appointment to use computer for class & homework. Not doable with daily class/homework.
This is only one example of a student’s nightmare to do class & homework.
Dekalb Co Schools knew school started in August!
They knew that students needed Chromebooks!
Did anyone care?
Still NOT!
We finally solved the predictable inactions of DCS by buying our Chromebook for our student.
DCS needs LOGISTICS SPECIALISTS, not what we have had for decades.
There are many other examples of total inefficiency in DCS.
No improvement in sight!
DCS used to be THE BEST school system & many worked hard for years to destroy it.
Shame on them!
Thanks for the note. I’ll get an update from the administration. I’ll let you know what I find out. –Stan