Virtual Learning planned for DeKalb Schools make up days.
DeKalb Schools (DCSD) closed schools for four days in January due to inclement weather – Jan. 8 as well as Jan. 17-19.
Recently, stakeholders participated in the inclement weather survey that closed on Friday, February 2, 2018. Over 21,075 stakeholders provided input. Of the 21,075 participants, approximately 63% selected virtual learning as the preferred option to make-up the inclement weather days.
DCSD wants to remain flexible in case more inclement weather days are needed in the future, so virtual learning will be implemented as the need arises.
Obviously, this is uncharted territory for me. My understanding of how this is going to work is that teachers will provide students with a virtual assignment that is content-specific and relevant. Teachers will grade the virtual learning assignment. The assignment will be aligned to the standards and what the students are currently learning.
Assignments may involve reading, writing, conducting research, performing mini labs, completing practice problems, taking notes, and/or answering questions. Students will be given one week to complete and submit the virtual assignment.
Virtual Learning access will be made available to students over two weeks – the week of Feb. 27 and the week of March 8. Students will have five school days plus a weekend to complete their assignments.
Parents will receive an official communication from local schools during the week of February 20. Parents are also encouraged to contact their respective school principal and teacher for additional information and details during the two virtual learning weeks.
Over the next couple of weeks, principals and teachers will be given guidance on virtual learning and a refresher in the school district’s technology system (VERGE). Teachers will plan, develop, and post the virtual learning assignment for February 27- March 6, 2018 in VERGE.
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On a different matter, I see where the person who oversaw Dekalb’s’ curruculum revision and the concomitant ponderous lesson plan format has left dekalb’ s school dept. Any thoughts on this, Stan?
I didn’t talk to Lisa Martin much. I found out when you did when I read the AJC article …
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I am curious on two fronts to this “virtual learning day”:
1. Elementary students do not have a chromebook that was provided to them to use at home. How are they expected to complete these assignments virtually?
2. I wonder what a support will be in place for students with IEP’s and 504 plans.
Thank you WB! I teach a self-contained kindergarten special needs class. Do you think we could send home a packet of things we have been working on the classroom? Most of these students need hand over hand assistance to complete activities. This will be interesting!
Stan, a question about the “official releases from Dekalb” which the AJC published here:
Per the 6th paragraph, the “official release from Dekalb” includes a quote from “Superintendent/CEO R. Stephen Green”…… when did the board give “Out of Steam Green” a CEO title?
I think Green has always referred to himself as the CEO.
With the current state of the science curriculum, it would make a lot more sense to adopt the NGSS http:/./
I have a relative in Dekalb county who barely gets her kids to school and I would be surprised if they do their homework on a regular basis. (Not trying to be snarky, just repeating what I have been told by that family member). What happens if children (elementary) just don’t do the assignment?
That’s a philosophical question. I know some elementary principals have a “No 0s” policy.
One DeKalb County School District (DCSD) high school club is blending elements of student enterprise, business, community service and scientific certification. Redan High School’s Interact Club—short for international action—founded in 2015, is working to become one of DCSD’s first student-run, service-based, and internationally connected teams.