If common spaces are not addressed Dunwoody, Lakeside and Chamblee communities will end up with more seats but little in the way of common space improvements for the students they already have, let alone the additional seats.

DeKalb Schools will bring to the board on Monday a recommendation to construct a 600-seat, 29-classroom, two-story addition to Dunwoody High School. The project will also include
- Kitchen extension (1,731 sq/ft)
- Cafeteria extension (485 sq/ft)
- New media center addition (2,020 sq/ft)
- New parking – paving over the retention pond (160 spaces)
The Dunwoody School Council presented a Position Statement supporting additional seats (Option B) at our high schools over a new Doraville high school (Option A). I disagree with the recommendation to go with option B, and would prefer building another high school at a site in Doraville.
If we are going with Option B as the DHS School Council says they prefer, then I want to advocate for everything Dunwoody High School needs and expects. Indeed, the Chair of the Dunwoody High School Council, Chad Griffith, and others who agree with him, say that the main reason they support adding 600 seats to Dunwoody is that Option B addresses many critical needs, and they hope there will be attention and improvements for badly needed renovations to certain facilities within the school.
In addition to the common spaces already scoped out (kitchen/cafeteria, media center and parking), all the other common spaces at Chamblee Charter HS, Lakeside HS and Dunwoody HS need to be addressed in any expansion of seats at these schools.
Dunwoody High School Facilities
“I’m really embarrassed by some of the facilities at DHS and, again, this is part of the reason that I find it hard not to receive an investment in our school when it is on the table”, says Chad Griffith reflecting on why Option B was the best choice for DHS.
Physical Education
The DHS Gym doesn’t have the capacity to handle the students there now. Griffith relayed the story, “Coaches have told me that they have to run practices until 9:30 at night and they have very limited opportunity to practice out of season because of the limitations of only one gym.”
DHS doesn’t have a working score board – “We have boys/girls soccer and lacrosse as well as other events on our track, and we have to use little flip charts for scoreboards because there is not even power to our non functioning scoreboard that is probably 50 years old”, says Griffith
Chorus Room
DHS needs a place for choir. “I’d expect one of the 29 new classrooms to address the chorus room need”.
In summary Griffith says, “One reason I have trouble getting comfortable with a new high school and associated cluster is that DCSD can’t even provide very basic items for our existing schools. If we add another school in the mix that is taking from the money, how are we going to be any better off at have raising the bar on DCSD facilities? That’s not going to help DHS or DCSD from my perspective.”
The school district released their plans regarding the additions at Chamblee, Dunwoody, and Lakeside. The school district is currently not planning any renovations or additions to these other critical common areas.
If these common spaces are not addressed, in the case of Dunwoody High School, the community will end up with 600 more seats but little in the way of common space improvements for the students they already have, let alone the additional seats. The same thing appears to be true for Chamblee and Lakeside. The bottom line: more seats and less common space per student. That is not acceptable.
“Option B addresses many critical needs, and they hope there will be attention and improvements for badly needed renovations to certain facilities within the school.”
What critical needs does Option B address? Hope for renovations all you want.
As you know, many high schools in North DeKalb are 20% over capacity. The current plan adds seats, cafeteria/kitchen, parking and a media center. It does not address any of other numerous common spaces like gymnasium, arts, band, choir … and a bunch of other common spaces that are way over crowded, to small and/or just need to be renovated.
Seems fitting to put my comments here too.
I have a question for you…. I know a lot of us out here are wanting to #deferthevote until February or March to get a better understanding and a better use of our tax dollars the planning of additions to our schools. Is there a way to only defer part of the money? Meaning the $261+/- million that goes to additions. Go ahead with the health and safety upgrades that need to be made and let’s get those projects started. Hold off on the additions until we get a more “written in stone” type of guarantee from the county.
Why do I ask for this? I will tell you why. I have sat through several construction committees and have seen where the county takes 15-20% of the money that our school was promised only to have it taken away from us because the county overspent on another project in a different SPLOST. For example, all SPLOST IV projects were cut 16% to pay back overruns in SPLOST III. My fear is SPLOST IV projects are already coming in over budget and the money is going to have to be paid back from somewhere. Guess where they are going to move the money from SPLOST V. I can see the county cutting cafeteria, library, and other common spaces there were promised in the additions to cover the overages.
I am still not a fan of the additions, I still believe that Doraville is still the best solution. I also did not vote for SPLOST V and I hope everyone reading the blog understands why.
Please factor in common space, parking, physical education facilities, eating facilities and other intangibles when making your decision. Adding desks and classrooms is important, however those other things are important too. Having high school students packed in like sardines on an already tight campus is very concerning. I’m also concerned that some families will leave the DHS community if the school gets too big. The school will lose its community feel and kids will just get lost in the large student body. Parents will seek an environment that has more of a community feel. If families don’t feel like they can use their zoned high school, it could affect home values.
Yes. Category 2 New Facilities and Additions can be deferred.
Well, are you or any other board member going to ask for the deferment? Or, do we just throw our hands up now?
I’ll ask the board to defer.
I am in favor of a deferment, but would like to know the reasoning behind the delay. Specifically, what are you asking the planning department to do during the deferment period? What more information is needed that isn’t out there already. I think Stan should have some definitive action items to lay before the board if a deferment motion is made. Otherwise, it is just a delay. A delay on the scheduling, a delay on getting RFPs, a delay on approving the bond to speed up the Splost V completion dates.
Mr. Jester, While Option B addresses some of the overcrowding issues, doesn’t Option A (Doraville High School) solve all the over crowding issues along with not creating or compounding other issues at the same time.
In the Chamblee Cluster, we are very uncomfortable with the lack of communication, and planning department input related to DCSD facility planning and specifically the possible proposed addition to Chamblee Charter High School.
As you may have heard, Dan Drake and his team cancelled their participation at the CCHS governing board meeting on Monday November 14, which was to be our one opportunity to have a constructive dialogue about what is happening with facility planning, specifically related to CCHS.
We have submitted many questions about the proposed plan and the feasibility of the CCHS addition, and we have gotten NO ANSWERS as of now.
There is simply not enough information, and not enough time to properly consider the information before December 5… even if this information somehow appears in our inboxes today, which seems rather unlikely.
I recognize that there are many moving parts and multiple schools are affected, but I want to make sure that you understand that the proposed plan (as it currently stands) is not going to work for CCHS. It endangers our students, disrupts a campus that has already experienced considerable disruption in recent years, and is not feasible on a number of levels, particularly if no additional land is acquired. We have expressed these concerns to DCSD leadership, but we are not sure that our voices are being heard, and we are not sure if our concerns are being fully addressed by the DCSD planning department.
Given the importance of facility planning efforts, and the significant ESPLOST dollars at stake, I believe the only prudent course of action is to delay the December 5 vote until at least February, so proper time and consideration can be given to this critical situation.
• At the time of the initial Secondary School Study Stakeholder Surveys and community input sessions, detailed and concrete information regarding new school locations and additions were not provided to the public.
• DCSD has just released more specific information including site renderings for additions. Additional stakeholder feedback based on this new information is needed.
• Elementary school councils, PTAs, and Foundation Boards were not strongly represented in the initial stages of the Stakeholder Feedback. Elementary Schools were not invited to participate in the steering committee for the Secondary School Facility Planning and Feasibility Study. This is the group that will utilize the new facilities in 5-7 years and their voice is essential to the integrity and effectiveness of this process.
• Very limited information has been presented on the finalized site location for the proposed new 2,500 seat Cross Keys HS. Prior to approval, an exact site should be identified and renderings should be presented.
• Lakeside HS, Dunwoody HS, and Chamblee HS are projected to be at 100% capacity by the time the proposed additions at these schools are complete. We would like for the board and stakeholders to further consider this solution and determine the most efficient use of these tax dollars.
At the last “On the Scene with Dr. Green,” Dan Drake said a major problem with building a Doraville HS is the fact that DSCD doesn’t have land for it. Since Doraville had the ability to waive school taxes even without the TAD, it seems odd that DCSD didn’t realize that was coming and try to negotiate for a HS to be built as part of the deal, or at least get the developer to provide land elsewhere in Doraville.
So, everyone who believes that a Doraville HS is the best solution here: it’s time to work (asap!) on finding a site in Doraville DCSD can afford. DCSD is not making any efforts on this. Unless that task is done for them by stakeholders like us before the vote, it’s not going to happen, no matter how reasonable the arguments are against the proposed HS additions.
DHS is getting a cafeteria extension of 485 sq/ft ?? What a wonderful idea … add 600 seats at the school but only 30 seats in the cafeteria. Welcome to DeKalb.
We at Huntley Hills ES had very little trouble getting engaged in the secondary schools process in July and August (it certainly helped that we immediately began building connections with other schools, rather than trying to stand alone). Delighted to see that planning acknowledged our feedback as well as others in their final report.
I think we need to request that the ES school councils be represented in the HS construction committees, given that it will actually be our kids who will be using the updated facilities.
As for efficiency – wouldn’t the most efficient use of tax dollars be the one that meets the current capacity requirements, with no excess? The trick is that we don’t know whether 2022 is going to be the peak of the cycle for kids in the area, or if it will be 2025 or 2030, etc – what this means is that thinking around (and engagement by parents in) E-SPLOST VI needs to start now, and not wait for 2021.
A Doraville high school would address overcrowding in Dunwoody, Cross Keys, Chamblee, and possibly even Lakeside, if attendance lines and zones were redrawn.
Everyone keeps thinking in the context of current clusters. When you start with, how do we fill a 2,250 seat high school in Doraville, and work from there, all of the surrounding clusters contribute students.
I love the idea of a Doraville cluster, but the issue of where to put the high school is a HUGE drawback. The cost of land is likely to be prohibitive. Then, there is the little thing of NOBODY wanting attendance lines to change.
Why is it that thousands of parents have no trouble trying to put their children into a magnet program or charter school, but won’t consider adjustmenting attendance lines? On Stan’s Facebook page, one parent (whom I know) argued against adjusting attendance lines because it would be “hard on the students and neighborhoods,” and drives her son to a charter school every day. The hypocrisy is scary.
The truth is, lines are going to be redrawn in Option B too. As has been stated before, many of those voicing their support most loudly for Option B are the very schools who would potentially be redistricted in an Option A scenario (i.e. Huntley Hills, a couple of the Dunwoody elementary schools, etc), so let’s be transparent about that fact and not twist it into something different. Huntley Hills was all too quick to put out their position paper excluding APES from CCHS as talks were beginning between area elementary schools. Just now, I went to look on the private FB page to find that position paper where it first appeared, and interestingly it’s no longer there and the HHES parent who posted it is no longer a member of the page either. Everyone should know that the Huntley Hills position paper came out way before anyone else’s. This definitely helped set the stage for what was to come, make no mistake.
Once the stage was set, it was quite easy for Option B supporting schools to get traction with the County and others because they agreed with the very vocal minority who work closely with the county through their PCU connections. I’m sure the PCU influence will be dismissed quickly on this thread by some readers of Stan’s blog, but there are many examples to the contrary. For those who don’t know about PCU, I’ve learned a lot about that group of activists through this process and those school council members have a lot of inside connections to the administration. Their voices are definitely heard. Those of us who don’t have those same connections didn’t get a “seat at the table” and still haven’t. The administration is completely ignoring all questions we’ve asked and concerns that have been expressed.
So, that leads us to the request for a deferral. It’s time for the general public to have a voice in this process, not just the select school council members who have better connections than everyone else. Every opinion matters, and while extending the voting period may not ultimately change the outcome, at least the voiceless majority will feel like our opinions count and have been heard. Even more importantly, maybe some common ground can be found so we can all move forward together for the greater good of our childrens’ education.
Survey Says,
Huntley Hills Position Statement you mentioned?
Is this the
Yes, that looks like the one.
Survey Says – you could have just asked for the link to the HH paper (found the link in the HHES facebook page): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxP8t3qtwp3BYjFfc3NGd0xPdVE/view
The speed with which we acted was driven at least in part by the feeling (rightly or wrongly) that HHES was severely mistreated and ignored in the redistricting following Nancy Creek ES’s closure – we decided we needed a position, had reps from our PTA, school council and foundation around a table over a weekend, and got our page out by Tuesday the next week, I believe. We were not going to be left out of the conversation this time.
And the intent wasn’t so much to knock APES out of the cluster, rather to turn the cluster line 90 degrees, That’s just kind of where the line falls.
We do appreciate everyone else copying our “… matters” structure. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Very good point you make on how everyone should stay engaged. One of the things I mentioned to my wife about this is that we really need to follow what you might think of either as the rules of improv, or really any sort of process development (which is my day job – processes, not improv) – Don’t say “no”, because it takes you immediately out of any conversations. Say “yes, and …”. We’ve got a workable strategy; it’s time to move on to details.
We were asked to agree to broad options that gave the county an indication of whether support was behind a “build, build, build” philosophy or a “patch and bandaid” solution. Overwhelmingly the community, until the last few days, said “build” (Option A). Then someone at the county who had already decided they wanted Option B rallied support here and there, made some backroom promises, and, lo and behold, Option B charged to the top after hundreds of emails went out asking people to vote and vote often. Stan has screen captures of how Option A was at the top for the vast majority of the polling period.
Then the county acts as if our voting for a philosophy was blanket approval of very bad implementation plans. Nowhere in Option B did it say that they would do half-ass additions to three high schools that will no doubt lead to lunches starting at 10am and overcrowded hallways, lack of locker space, etc.
The vote needs to be deferred while communities digest the detailed plans, and the board needs to be open to new high-level options if their implementation of Option B+ is determined to be detrimental and badly planned.
I agree with what you wrote, “blanket approval of very bad implementation plans.”
I attended most of the community input meetings and it was obvious the consultants were pushing Option B. Now, we know they had their recommendation ready in July, before the last two rounds of community meetings.
The BOE should delay the vote and the administration should schedule another round of community input meetings. Delaying the vote without getting more feedback would accomplish nothing.
However, everyone needs to acknowledge that current attendance lines and clusters need to change. Also, those changes won’t be the end of the world as we know it. Other districts redraw attendance lines on a regular basis. Those communities deal with it. DeKalb should learn how.
There was never anything overwhelming about it. Take a look at the summary of feedback from the various school organizations on page 17 of the recommendations final report, as opposed to the online survey, which was gamed by many people voting multiple times, and was primarily used to gather comments about key concerns (in other words, repeatedly pasting in canned language was a pointless exercise).
It just makes no sense to spend $80 million on bare bones additions to existing schools just so that those schools will be at capacity in five years when the additions are complete when that money can be spent on building a brand new school in Doraville and addressing the current overcrowding and anticipated population growth all at once. I feel very strongly that if we don’t build the Doraville school now we are going to sink $80 million into inadequate additions at 3 existing schools which will negatively impact the student experience (shorter lunches not enough access to band, choir and art rooms for the students wanting to participate in those activities, not enough gym space, etc.) to just turn around and have to come up with the money to build the school in Doraville in 5 years. Seems like a highly irresponsible and wasteful use of taxpayers money if you ask me. Truth is the people that pushed Option B did so for their own self-interests and not with the community as a whole in mind. It is a disservice to our children to patch the problem with a temporary Band-Aid now, kick the problem down the road a few years, and potentially redistrict these kids twice over the course of their K-12 careers when there is a clear solution to the answer now. Doraville has the need for a H.S. school and Doraville should get a H.S. period but Doraville continues to get passed over in this process.
Dear Kirk,
I agree that attendance lines need to be redrawn and I know that is dreadfully unpopular.
Someone needs to be the adult in the room in this situation when attendance line adjustment is absolutely necessary. That someone should be DCSD. But they bring years of poor decisions, some that were actually criminal and others that squandered money based on favoritism rather than obvious needs (such as the neglect of facilities in the Cross Keys cluster).
Then Dr. Green comes in and most folks are impressed and want to believe him. But then he does things like taking away the second Cross Keys elementary school, with no explanation. He should be proud to explain the reasons, rather than ignoring stakeholders who want to know.
Then he proposes an E-SPLOST-V Project List that results in all of the new schools and schools with additions being at 99%-100% capacity upon completion. The November 18 FAQ question 10 response about this concern is is:
Really, does DCSD think that the public is that stupid? The public isn’t asking to overbuild by “much more capacity is needed,” but just by a reasonable amount.
Think about this. After the E-SPLOST-V money is spent, Region 1 high schools will have a capacity of 7015 seats and a projected 2022 enrollment of 6957 students. This is a “safety margin” of only 58 seats, or 0.8%.
Region 2 high schools will have a capacity of 5678 seats, with a projected 2022 enrollment of 3655 students. This is a “safety margin” of only 23 seats, or 0.4%.
There will be no room for further expansion at CCHS or Dunwoody or Lakeside, or even room for trailers. Perhaps the 2500 seat new school could be expanded, but really? Needing to expand a brand new school just after it opens? (But wait, isn’t that what is happening at CCHS?)
Tucker has very limited land. Druid Hills has very limited land. And the public will not be inclined to approve another E-SPLOST after seeing how poorly the E-SPLOST-V money was spent.
This is a difficult problem, made harder by emotions.
That is why I think it is essential to delay the December vote.
Last E-SPLOST we rebuilt schools in South DeKalb that were at less than 50% capacity. This year, for example, we neglect Cary Reynolds whose enrollment is sky rocketing. Indian Creek ES, however, has been flat or declining over the last 3 years, and they apparently need a rebuild and expansion.
DHS, You’re not getting your extra gym, or your chorus room, or anything else that you hoped you would get by supporting Option B.
LHS, You sure as sh!t aren’t getting a 9th grade academy … you’re getting 750 seats and kicking Sagamore or Oak Grove out of the cluster.
I met with Dr. Green in July of 2015 and told him the district would need to redraw attendance lines and that he needed to “be out in front” of that with a communications plan to generate community support. Sadly, he has kept Ramona Tyson as he senior advisor and here we are. The administration is playing the same games that have been played for, at least, 7 years.
Hold community input meetings before showing the public what has already been decided – how is that earning our trust?
Replacing a promised elementary school without any explanation – how is that earning our trust?
Adding three schools to the Capital Renewal (Major system replacement) list, which were not included in the options presented, and dropping seven schools off the list of schools on the options presented – how is that earning our trust?
Calling band equipment Capital Equipment when it clearly is not – how is that earning our trust?
Changing $9.8 million in H.S. Athletic Fields Upgrades for ten schools into artificial turf at 19 high schools for $14.5 million (90% more schools for only 34% more money) – how is that earning our trust?
None of these things are “transparent” or “open.” Dr. Green is clearly under the influence of Mrs. Tyson.
Every eSPLOST is the same thing. SPLOST IV saw two elementary schools built which have hundreds of seats more than their predicted enrollment. All of the elementary school gyms got air conditioners, but not insulation. The list of absurd and wasteful things is long. Yet, every five years DeKalb votes for another eSPLOST. We are a special kind of stupid.
The Dunwoody council dad needs to realize Drake is the messenger sent to deceive the northern people. That’s his role. This is such a bad deal for Dunwoody and we know who to blame.
Ok, this really blows my mind, or am I super tired and if someone could help me figure this one out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Under SPLOST IV, Stone Mountian High school is scheduled to start a reno in February 2017 (per the DCSD timeline), at a cost of $5.9 million. In today’s AJC, http://www.ajc.com/news/local/actual-factual-dekalb-what-will-makeover-get-one-aging-school/MBcZk968I9DWuOnVbFtFCO/, they are reporting that Stone Mountian will now get $8.6 million in renovations. I can’t find anywhere this came up to the board for a vote to add additional money to a renovation that hasn’t even started yet.
Did I miss something? Another reason to defer the vote.
SPLOST Monthly Report
Here is the September SPLOST Status Report. It is a detailed report of all the SPLOST projects to date.
Proposed 2017-2022 E-SPLOST Project List
Use those two docs to compare past and proposed Stone Mountain SPLOST projects.
To add to my comments about PCU above, here is an OpEd from the AJC today written by none other than one of PCU’s finest. Is she serious?!?!
Hello Northern Arch of District One – Thanks for appearing on our game show “How DeKalb County will Screw You!” You’ve won these great parting gifts:
– Dunwoody High – you’ve won 400 more students and room in your cafeteria for 30 more, but that’s ok because DeKalb County will be giving your kid 20 minute lunches starting at 9:30am. But that’s ok, they’ll be hungry by 9:30am after they’ve traversed 2 miles through Dunwoody neighborhoods from having to park that far from school.
– Chamblee High – you won’t have to worry about those rankings anymore in US News! You’ve got 800 new students heading your way! Many of whom need special services in ESL which they are getting now but that you don’t have the resources to provide. So your graduation rates, test scores, and all around high quality school that youve worked hard to achieve…so long! Now you’all just be one of the muddy middle in DCS. But that’s ok – our goal is to spread averageness around everywhere. DeKalb County – where every school is C level. Oh and your precious magnet program – its moves to Central DeKalb the minute you approach capacity levels. That will do wonders for test scores. Can you say Cross Keys – the sequel?
Lakeside- We’re getting you all ready to try to break the record for the workd’s largest high school – our ultimate goals – -10,000 students! Everyone can attend – except for Sagamore.
Sagamore – you’ve won an all expense daily trip across one of the busiest interstates in the country during rush hour! Everyday you’ll get 30 minutes of quality time with your child EACH WAY to travel 2.5 miles to school. Because after all, geographically speaking you are close! We don’t care about natural boundaries – it’s all about as the crow flies here in DeKalb County.
Montgomery- you elistists! We can’t really do much yet about your elementary school with its upscale Murphy candler and Silver Lake residents, but we’ll force our diversity on you soon enough. Just wait until Chamblee High!’ (See above) You’ve won the realization that you’ve built a greater neighborhood school, only to realize that we don’t want neighborhood schoolsnhere in DeKalb County. Bigger is better!!!
Austin and Vanderlyn – We are still trying to figure out what to do with you two as well. You are still way too smart and score way too high as a school for our liking. We’ll figure it out soon enough. Maybe we can bus some of your and Montgomery’s students down to the south side and balance everything out better.
Ashford Park – you are our champion! We are going to bestow upon you the nicest most modern facilities ever imagined!! We will promise you the world! Of course, come 2020 you will realize you made a deal with the devil and realize that your betrayal of your cluster mates has resulted in nothing more than an average facility at best, because remember, here in DeKalb County, it’s all about average!!
Thanks everyone for playing. See you next time on How DeKalb County Schools can screw you!
Dear Lynn,
You would have to search through all BOE meeting agendas/minutes to find if there was an agenda item that added E-SPLOST-IV or other funding to the Stone Mountain High School renovation.
Or you could just email Mr. Joshua Williams and ask.
FYI, the Facility Condition Assessment for SMHS is 69.79, which is much lower than the FCA average for high schools of 85. Region 3, where SMHS is located, has the lowest average FCA for high schools at 73.
So no doubt the renovations are needed. But the delay must be disheartening to the students and teachers. I don’t know if the long timeline was due to the complexity of adding 9 new schools with E-SPLOST-IV funds or what.
Insanity – too funny, too sad, and too true!
Insanity: Thank you for giving us the cliff notes. I felt so lonely in this attack, but now feel better upon realizing that everyone is getting screwed in this together. Is anyone benefitting from Project Forced Diversity? Survey says: there is definitely a club thing going on, but PCU is the nice public face to it pretending it’s an open club of concerned parents. PCU is the guise that makes you believe that maybe real parents actually wanted these plans and that they were simply more informed, concerned, and on the ball. The agenda isn’t all that secret, but it takes a little digging to figure out who exactly pushed it and how. The whole swift secret part of the process is definitely fascinating. Look up Union County’s school redistricting lawsuit, and you’ll find that this same exact process is being carried out all across the US
Dunwoody High was shorted over $1 million last e-SPLOST so it probably went to Stone Mountian
Anon – there will be lawsuits here too if this sham is passed.
Region 1 desperately needs seats…. What if a new high school was placed in the perimeter area (and yes I realize the challenges of finding property at a reasonable price)? Maybe creatively utilize an office building? It could pull from Dunwoody, Chamblee and Brookhaven areas. Would people be more open to redistricting if the new high school was located closer to their presently overcrowded schools?
Also, are there any plans for the old Chamblee Middle site on Chamblee Dunwoody?
And, here is the opposing op-ed view from the same AJC Get Schooled section of the AJC.
Good follow-up piece: http://www.reporternewspapers.net/2016/12/09/dunwoody-high-addition-dekalb-school-improvement-list/
Some more good follow-up pieces
School board refuses to delay funds vote
The Dunwoody High School Council wrote the school board Friday asking for a 60-day delay of the vote that was scheduled for Monday evening. Technically the school board was to vote on the allocation of money from the Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax that was approved earlier this year.
“Despite being an overcrowded school in need of relief as soon as possible,” the DHS council wrote, “we fell it is critically important to ensure that SPLOST money addresses critical and long-standing needs at DHS, and the information provided to date is not sufficient to ensure this will happen.”
DeKalb moving toward supersized high schools
It is apparent the board has reverted to its traditional disdain for parents and taxpayers in north DeKalb.
How else to explain a 6-1 vote to proceed after lengthy testimony from parents from Lakeside, Chamblee and Dunwoody high schools asking for a simple delay in the vote.