School | Teacher Vacancies | Starting Salary* |
Atlanta | 278 | $44,312 |
Clayton | 300 | $40,962 |
Cobb | 200 | $41,330 |
DeKalb | 372.5 | $42,500 |
Fulton | 292 | $41,916 |
Gwinnett | 264 | $41,028 |
*The current starting salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree |
How many teacher positions are vacant at your high school?
Marlon Walker with the AJC is reporting 2,000 teacher vacancies in Metro Atlanta for the upcoming school year as of June 2016.
On Tuesday, the board approved 3% raises for all teachers (The 3rd raise in 12 months) as well as a $500 retention bonus and up to a $3000 signing bonus for new teachers.
12.5 Teachers Reportedly Needed in Region 1 High Schools
The latest DeKalb Teacher/Principal Vacancy Report from the county reports 12.5 high school teacher vacancies in Region 1.

Rebekah Morris
Rebekah Morris, who taught English for four years in Gwinnett County Public Schools, blogs as Georgian Educator and currently teaches in the DeKalb County School System at Cross Keys High School, recently commented
“I know that 8 teachers in the English department alone left the county and/or profession this year, yet there is somehow only 11 reported teacher vacancies in Region 1 (which is where Cross Keys is located). I know we have hired 2 new English teachers already, but I just have a hard time believing that 11 is the total number of vacancies that we have. Close to 10 teachers at Cross Keys retired this year, leaving even more vacancies. Any information on this?”

Stan Jester
I asked Leo Brown, Chief Human Capital Officer, a couple of questions about the teacher vacancies in Region 1.
Question: In the “Posted Teacher Vacancy Report”, is there a difference between the number of “Posted” vacancies and actual vacancies?
Leo Brown
Leo Brown: The posted teacher vacancy report reflects open teaching positions, for which principals are actively recruiting. Actual vacancies are budgeted positions that are not posted due to various reasons (low demand, potential low class size, etc.). Unposted teacher vacancies resulted in the “sweep”, where we were able to redirect financial resources back toward instruction.
Question: Can we get a breakdown of the teacher vacancies by Job Title and High School for Dunwoody HS, Cross Keys HS and Chamblee HS (Region 1)?
Leo Brown:
Region 1 Teacher Vacancies | ||
School | Teacher Vacancy | |
CHAMBLEE HIGH | Teacher, Business Ed-Comp. HS | 1 |
Teacher, Science – HS | 2 | |
Teacher, Mathematics – HS | 3 | |
Teacher, English – HS | 4 | |
Teacher, Interrelated | 5 | |
Teacher, Spanish High School | 6 | |
Teacher, ESOL – Part Time | 7 | |
Teacher, P/T German HS | 8 | |
Teacher, Interrelated | 9 | |
CROSS KEYS HIGH | Teacher, English – HS | 10 |
Teacher, History HS | 11 | |
Teacher, English – HS | 12 | |
Teacher, Reading Specialist HS | 13 | |
Teacher, Music – Band HS | 14 | |
DUNWOODY HIGH | Teacher, Mathematics – HS | 15 |
Teacher, Interrelated | 16 | |
Teacher, World Geography | 17 |
Teacher Vacancy Report from 06/06/2016 Human Capital Report
Question For Administration
This List of Budgets for Individual Schools includes the budget for Cross Keys High School. The CKHS budget lists 19 teachers that are not coming back this Fall. Is there an updated list of teachers/positions what will be with the school district in the Fall and open vacancies for Cross Keys High School?
Cross Keys High School staff listing
1. Marcus Searcy – Assistant Principal (HS)
2. Laurence McPherson – ROTC, Navy Officer HS
3. Kristin Ferro – Teacher, Art High School
4. Darryl Lorick – Teacher, Biology High School
5. India Thompson – Teacher, Biology High School
6. Angela Tonn – Teacher, Biology High School
7. Ana White – Teacher, Biology High School
8. Michael Green – Teacher, Business Ed-Comp. HS
9. Victoria Williams-Bryant – Teacher, Business Ed-Comp. HS
10. Anthonia Okonkwo – Teacher, Chemistry High Sch
11. Monique Raby-Davis – Teacher, Chemistry High Sch
12. Tarsha Wynn – Teacher, Engineer & Tech. HS
13. Richard Lagyak – Teacher, English – HS
14. Rhonda Lucy-Davis – Teacher, English – HS
15. Bettina Miller – Teacher, English – HS
16. Rebekah Morris – Teacher, English – HS
17. Tracy Vax – Teacher, English – HS
18. Susan Petre – Teacher, ESOL High School
19. Susan Tobaben – Teacher, Family & Consumer HS
20. Anwar Heard – Teacher, Health & Physical Ed
21. Ronnie Jackson – Teacher, Health & Physical Ed
22. Rene Lapointe – Teacher, History 6-12 HS
23. Wayne Smiley – Teacher, History 6-12 HS
24. Christina Holtzman – Teacher, History HS
25. William Lutz – Teacher, History HS
26. Susan Petre – Teacher, History HS
27. Roberta Gibson – Teacher, Interrelated
28. Everett Laing – Teacher, Interrelated
29. Alfreda McNeill – Teacher, Interrelated
30. Joyce Tolbert – Teacher, Interrelated
31. Shelia Worrell – Teacher, Interrelated
32. Robin Lawson – Teacher, Lead-Spec Ed 050/734
33. Nellie Horton – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
34. Katie Ku – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
35. Shyh-Huoy Ku – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
36. Steven Leader – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
37. Bradley McPhail – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
38. Barbara Napper – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
39. Jen Ngo – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
40. Isa Sanchez – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
41. Bharathi Sastry – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
42. Mary Tyler – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
43. Xiaofeng Zhou – Teacher, Mathematics – HS
44. Calvin Gray – Teacher, Occ Ed-Contruction WT
45. Marian Hesse – Teacher, Occ Ed-Data Proc. W/T
46. Delores Smith – Teacher, Occ Ed-Health Occ.
47. Marcus Lee – Teacher, Occ Ed-Transportation
48. Diane Gluck – Teacher, P/T – French
49. Mary Kuthuru – Teacher, Science – HS
50. Ariana Magee – Teacher, Science – HS
51. Jamespaul Paredes – Teacher, Science – HS
52. Andrea Lockyer – Teacher, Spanish High School
53. Bettina Miller – Teacher, Title I L/A
54. Jusan Jones-Moorman – Teacher,Occ Ed-Cosmetology W/T
55. Courtney Walker – Teacher,Occ Ed-Cosmetology W/T
56. Curlena Pippins – Teacher,Occ Ed-Dental Svcs. WT
Mr. Brown,
Can you elaborate on what that list is? It looks like it is supposed to be the staff listing for Cross Keys High School, but it only lists half the staff. The Budget for CKHS lists about 90 teachers. The list you provided has only 56 teachers.
Also, one teacher like Jacob Eisemeier, who I know for sure is returning, is not listed. Also, one teacher Bettina Miller is listed twice. A couple new hires that I have personally spoken with are not listed either. My only concern is that this is not just the case at one school but many schools district-wide. If we are not thorough with the listing of teachers we have and don’t have, then I fear that our district will continue to have hundreds of UNFIILLED teacher positions when the school year begins. Thorough bookkeeping will (hopefully) ameliorate this situation. Thanks, Stan, for this information.
Remember that some teachers are funded by Title 1 funds, and it is highly unlikely that their names appear on the budget spreadsheet for a particular school, since the totals on the budget spreadsheet add up to the QBE funding for a particular school. The Curriculum and Instruction budget on page 1707 includes a long list of Title 1 teachers, although these aren’t identified by school.
Although from an accounting point of view this may be the correct thing to do, it makes it nearly impossible for a citizen to understand how a particular school is staffed.
I would prefer that the budget spreadsheet include all site-based staff, with an asterisk or note indicating other funding sources for those staff members.
It isn’t clear if the Teacher Vacancy Report includes teachers who are funded by Title 1 or other funding.
Good point. However, on the above list, a couple teachers are listed as “Title I” so I don’t know exactly how the lists are compiled.
Here’s an explanation of
Dear Stan,
Thank you for publishing the Fund Codes and the Georgia Charge Codes. These will be very helpful in determining where funding comes from.