Implementation of DeKalb’s New School Based Certified Personnel Comp Plan

Affected employees will see the adjustments in their January 15, 2016 paycheck. Note that all figures are stated on an annualized basis.
Teachers – Teachers will receive an increase of up to $14,000 to make their salary comparable to the average annual salary of other metro Atlanta school districts.
Principals – High Schools – 5%; Middle Schools – 3%; Elementary Schools – 2%; All Assistant Principals – 2%. District Rationale: It is very difficulty to recruit top high school principals. To increase competitiveness and address salary inequities. Additionally the District will review salary placement procedures. DCSD Assistant Principal salaries were competitive with neighboring districts for Middle and High School Assistant Principals. There is a need to pour more resources into the Elementary AP schedule (work calendar).
Pre-K Teachers – Salaries will be adjusted to DCSD Salary Schedule. District Rationale: Early intervention is the best intervention. Lack of stability in the previous years due to salary structure in the Pre-K program.
Instructional Paraprofessionals – 2% will be provided to Paraprofessionals with 6 or more years of service. 1% for paraprofessionals with 0-5 years of service. District Rationale: Paraprofessionals have a direct instructional impact on student growth and achievement.
Detailed Metro Atlanta Salary Schedule Analysis
2015–2016 Teacher Salary Schedule (Effective 01-04-2016)
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